
Stiftung Künstler*dorf Schöppingen
Feuerstiege 6
D-48624 Schöppingen


T +49 (0)25 55 – 93 81 0
M +49 160 9444 14 55





Visit us


a) by car:

via the A31 (exit Heek) or the A1 (exit Münster)

Destination address for the GPS: Feuerstiege 6, 48624 Schöppingen

Direction via Google Maps


b) by train:

Nearby train stations: Münster (Westf.) and Ahaus

From these two locations there is a direct bus connection to Schöppingen with the express bus line S70 / S71 (stop in Schöppingen: Old Town Hall). It is a short walk (2 minutes) to Feuerstiege 6.