The intrinsic expansion of artistic practices gives rise to today’s transdisciplinary understanding of art and culture. At the same time, social changes and identity politics are breaking down conventional notions of periphery and center. Needs for artistic productions are changing and audiences are expanding.
With these developments, the curator’s field of activity is also changing. The classical exhibition is replaced by innovative and experimental lecture series, publications, discussions, workshops, film screenings, or digital formats. Readings and performances manifest outside established structures.
The Stiftung Künstler*dorf organizes an annual curator’s program with the aim of developing new strategies and structures and clarifying implementation issues. The concept is derived from the meaning of curating, according to which it involves a deep understanding of social challenges as well as artistic processes and methods, and is not limited to one artistic field or one professional discipline. The program focuses on production conditions, financing needs, and contemporary forms of mediation and participation of stakeholders and other target groups.
With changing thematic focuses, the transdisciplinary program is designed by a group of four to ten experts from artistic and non-artistic fields. The program takes place during a period of about one to two weeks in July in the Künstlerdorf. During this time lectures are held and contents are discussed. There is a part of public program units and presentation, like exhibitions, musical contributions or readings. The program is accompanied by a publication.