Yoeri Guépin (*1983, Netherlands) is a visual artist, researcher and gardener working with communities, ecosystems and film. His experience of being brought up at a biodynamic farm, helping his parents in the fields since a young age, together with his interest in cultural histories and ecosystems, have resulted in an array of ecological projects. These projects often find their form in gardens that act as vessel and entrance to marginal (hi)stories and nonwestern epistemologies. Guépin holds a BA from Hogeschool voor de Kunsten Utrecht and an MA from the Dutch Art Institute in Arnhem. Besides Künstlerdorf Schöppingen, current running (gardening) projects are at Piet Zwart Institute Rotterdam and iii Workspace Den Haag. His films have been exhibited at Tent Rotterdam (2019), Guangdong Times Museum in Guangzhou (2021) and Kadist San Francisco (2022).
Yoeri Guépin has been working with gardens as artistic and social medium. During his residency he intervened in the ecosystem of the Künstlerdorf. “Drawing connections between current and past functions of the Künstlerdorf, I aim to initiate novel ecosystems that shape and operate both inside and outside the infrastructure for art. Gardens are able to form communities around plant species, facilitating long lasting structures for care, (un)learning and reveal our co-dependencies with other organisms.”