Charmaine Li

Charmaine Li is a writer and editor living in Berlin. Her culture writing appears in Atmos, mono.kultur, C Magazine, British Journal of Photography, and Newsweek, among others. In 2019, Charmaine and Effie Efthymiadi launched ONEIRIC SPACE, a research practice examining the potential of dreams and dreaming to generate new patterns of thinking, being, and understanding through conversations and publishing experiments across disciplines.

At the Künstlerdorf, I continued developing the various strands of, an ever-evolving research and publishing practice exploring the interplay between dreams and waking life at an individual and collective level. For ‘Circulations (@ Sunrise)’ – a newsletter series that looks at forms of dream-sharing and how they’re entangled with aspects of social, cultural, and political life – I published a conversation with poet and healer Goitseone Montsho. I also interviewed an artist who incorporates the practice of ’social dreaming’ into her work for the next newsletter.

For ONEIRIC SPACE’s gatherings strand, I experimented with a reading-workshop format that enlivens our research and writings in an IRL environment conducive to reflecting on this part of our lives that we all have access to. Open to the other fellows, the session alternated between reading excerpts of our dream research and guiding contemplative exercises that touch on multiple facets of dream life.