Stefanie Manhillen
photo: Seweryn Zelazny

Stefanie Manhillen studied fine arts at the Kunsthochschule Berlin Weissensee (diploma and master class student) and at the Humboldt University in Berlin (Magistra Artium in cultural studies and European ethnology). She is a visual artist at the interface between Aktion and performance and part of the artist collective koop.k. She works with interdisciplinary methods with artists from a wide variety of art fields and is currently funded by the BBK, the Rhineland-Palatinate Cultural Foundation, the Rhineland-Palatinate Cultural Office, and the Ahrweiler district’s cultural sponsorship. Stefanie is a freelancer at the Arp Museum and works artistically with people in various projects in museums, schools and art schools.

photo: „Lost“, studio view Künstlerdorf Schöppingen, 2021, photo: Seweryn Zelazny

Stefanie Manhillen works with live drawings, objects, images and text. Her works can be combined and moved. With the involvement of the public and other artists, they are constantly being redesigned. They exist as individual works or a constellation, an exhibition or an Aktion. In the gallery of the Künstlerdorf Stefanie showed the installation “WO SIND DENN ALLE?” (“Where is everyone?”) and developed a new installation entitled “LOST”, which could be seen in the sculptor’s studio (lit at night and also visible during the day) during the creation process. „Lost“ is the youth word of 2020 and refers to a basic mood that could be experienced especially in the Corona winter 2020/2021. Stefanie felt this particularly noticeably when she arrived in snow-covered Schöppingen (initially as the only fellow at that time). She sewed sack-like sculptures filled with Münsterländer hay, hanging on ropes or leaning in the corner, which could only stand alone and retain their shape with great effort. As black and white, semi-abstract beings, they occasionally populated the room. Often visitors came, greeted through the window, visited Stefanie and spoke to her. In addition, a film was made with Seweryn Zelazny, which could be seen as part of the cultural picnic in June 2021, as well as the performance „SEI SO“, which took place in the midst of the audience.

“SEI SO” performance with Seweryn Zelazny, Künstlerdorf Schöppingen, 2021, photo: Meike Reiners